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Rain In A Rusty Bucket

It's what makes the bucket Rusty... and by the way, if you see Rusty tell her to write.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Nonpartisan Anger Rant

You know what I really hate? The answer to that will never be a group... usually there are a few gems even in the most vile group, a few misled or wandering people, at least. No what I hate is conformity. That's the thing that gets those people stuck in those groups, for example.

I file-system-checking hate conformity. Mom taught me this. Never conform. Be unique, have your own style, when you put pen to paper, draw something new. I never use the instructions that come with legos... that's the sort of rebel I am. Yeah, I could use all the pieces and make something that looked cool, but it wouldn't be mine. I wouldn't have made anything, really, because I would have made something for someone else, specifically, for the guy that gets the cozy job at lego designing lego creations and this guy already has it too easy.

I forgive you for giving my legos away mom, I can see why you thought that would be OK since I had left for college. It's a common mistake. I should have brought my legos with me. And my dog. See, I conformed too much to the "no dogs in the dorm" rule and I regret it.

The conformity train came to the station and I missed it, thank god, I overslept.


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